Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm not the geek I thought I was

We played IT jeopardy in class on Thursday. For some reason, I jumped out of my well honed introvert shell and volunteered to come up to the front of the classroom to help with the game. I then volunteered that on a geekiness scale from 1 to 10 I voted that I was an 8. I figured that the fact that I TIVO Battlestar Galactica episoses and retain an old comic book collection gave me impeccable geek bonafides.

It appears that I have a lot to learn in MBA 8125 this semester. It turns out that a real geek knows what URL, GUI and HTML stand for. I honestly did not have a clue what those meant so I quickly realized that I'm starting from scratch this semester. I'm also pleased that this class is a "mile wide and an inch deep." I'll be able to discover I.T. areas that I want to explore further as I progress in my MBA and career.